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Readiness, Preparation and Realistic Expectations

This was stated by a Grandma and a Mum of a man who wanted success at all cost without having clear the concept of "preparation" and "Patience." I AM THE MAN...

The wise women meant to relate to self preparedness and timing. Also, those affected by what you do or those doing it with you should be prepared too.

The QUOTE belongs to my family. But to further extend the meaning and the possible application, i thought it was worth spending few words more.

In philosophical and religious terms, the main idea is readiness.

Napoleon Bonaparte believed that being prepared is the key feature of careful and rational reasoning.

The wise words of Louis Pasteur “fortune favours the prepared mind” further confirm that opportunities are only utilised by prepared minds. They show us how important careful planning along with insightful decision-making is.

Religiously, numerous verses in the Bible discuss the importance of readiness.

a. Ecclesiastes tells us there is a time for everything which implies that events are perfectly timed. This is said in Romans to them that are called according to his purpose all things work together for good, indicating divine timing.

To put it differently, Luke’s parable of the good servant stresses on being alert and prepared when the master comes back, underscoring readiness and wakefulness.

Another important aspect which needs to be taken into account too is patience as well as being vigilant at all times.

However, it should be noted that being prepared at one point does not equate readiness, rather it requires constant watchfulness and endurance. Patience demands having realistic expectations; an understanding that things do not always happen when we want helps to manage frustration while staying focused on the ultimate goal.

According to philosophers, success often comes at a later time when it is mixed with effort and the right time.

On a more practical note, ensuring you and your stakeholders are ready calls for effective communication, clear expectations setting skills and proactive planning activities. Therefore, stakeholder engagement as well as understanding their concerns together with synchronizing your plans with their readiness.

The concept of Preparedness- both personal and group readiness with time taken into consideration combined with potential outcomes from a realistic point of view, are vital ingredients towards achieving success.

Whether looked at from the perspective of philosophy or religion, the core idea remains the same: preparedness in combination with timeliness and patience enables us wait for a point when each and everything falls in its place.

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